
This session will explore some of the enabling technologies that will impact population health and wellness during the next 5 years, including: remote diagnostics and treatment; real-time 3D rendering of organs and metabolic processes; digit robotic surgeries; 3D printed prosthetics; clinical testing.

Questions To Be Addressed:

In an era where women's health is increasingly prioritised in healthcare discussions, there remains a pressing need for transformative strategies in maternal wellness, with a focus on postpartum care and hormonal health. The “Revolutionising Maternal Wellness” women's panel at the upcoming C3 Healthcare Summit aims to address this need, featuring a diverse lineup of women leaders in medicine, psychology, and social advocacy. This gathering seeks to explore the multifaceted aspects of maternal health, shedding light on the latest research, innovative treatments, and comprehensive approaches to support women through these critical life stages.

Our experts will address the physical and emotional challenges new mothers face, such as postpartum depletion and hormonal imbalances. They will underscore the importance of inclusive postnatal care that meets these challenges head-on. A significant portion of the discussion will centre on how societal norms and healthcare practices impact maternal wellness. Panelists will argue for a shift towards more inclusive and supportive healthcare policies that recognise and cater to women's unique needs during the postpartum period and throughout their hormonal changes. Successful global care models will be highlighted, demonstrating how the integration of mental health support, community involvement, and personalised healthcare plans can lead to significantly improved outcomes for mothers and their families.

Moreover, the panel will venture into the future of maternal wellness, and examine the impact of technological innovations and research breakthroughs on care delivery and accessibility. The conversation will also touch on the importance of education and advocacy in promoting change, empowering women to take control of their health journeys, and creating a more supportive societal framework.

Attendees will leave the session with a deep understanding of the present challenges and opportunities in maternal wellness. They will be armed with practical insights and strategies to drive progress in maternal health within their practices and communities.

Questions To Be Addressed:

  1. Integrating Mental Health in Postpartum Care: How can mental health support become a seamless aspect of postpartum care to address both the psychological and physical needs of new mothers? What obstacles currently hinder this integration, and what steps can we take to surmount them?
  2. Advancing Hormonal Health Understanding and Support: How can recent breakthroughs in medical research and technology enhance our approach to diagnosing and treating hormonal imbalances in women? How do we ensure these advancements are equitably distributed and benefit a wide array of women across different backgrounds?
  3. Shaping the Future of Maternal Wellness: What essential changes in healthcare policies and public attitudes are necessary to support an advanced future for maternal wellness? How can individuals and communities contribute to advocating these essential shifts?

This session will detail some of the potential technologies and their potential impact on health and wellness management. This will include the rapid rise of genomic-driven, personalized medicine; AI-enabled diagnostics and treatment; 3D printed organs, and prosthetics; mRNA and CRISPR treatments; more autonomous robotic surgeries; AI-enabled drug discovery and testing.

Questions To Be Addressed:

Climate changes, especially increased warming and pollution, will have a profound impact on human and other species' adaptation to the planet's environment. Climate changes will increase allergic reactions, sunburns, viral and other pathogen exposures, food insecurity, droughts, etc. New therapies (e.g. pharmaceuticals, clinical, etc.) will be required to address these changes.

Questions To Be Addressed:

This panel will offer insights into AI's rapid adoption in the healthcare arena, and some insights into AI's impact on drug discovery, testing and clinical trials; government regulations; healthcare professionals' training, decision making and responsibilities; hospital/clinic management; chronic disease management.

Questions to be addressed:

This session will highlight new and upcoming developments in non-hospital (e.g. clinics, pharmacies, etc.) treatment regimens, with a focus on wellness management, AI-based monitoring (sensors, video) and analysis, on-line consultations, interactive, and multimedia therapies, etc.

Questions To Be Addressed:

Personalizing healthcare means transitioning away from using population averages in healthcare decision making to using patient specific data to assess risk, diagnose, inform treatment decisions, and monitor disease. Data in the form of diagnostics, as well as other information, allows healthcare providers to assess risk, diagnose, treat, and monitor patients, thereby improving patient outcomes and reducing system costs by reducing waste.

This track will analyze the rapidly evolving use of genomic profiles, AI and comprehensive personal health records to tailor specific treatment regimens, including diet, supplements, drugs, vaccines, etc. It will also discuss the use of wearable and embeddable sensors.

According to data from the World Health Organization, conflict has been identified as a significant factor elevating mortality rates, especially in vulnerable populations such as women and children. Annual estimates indicate that conflict-related factors might contribute to over 4 million deaths. For the age group 5–29, disruptions in societal structures and limited conflict mitigation are key determinants of mortality. Various international diplomatic and conflict-resolution strategies have been employed to achieve global peace and stability. Yet, the continued prevalence of widespread conflicts highlights the urgent need for a more evidence-based, systematic approach to peacekeeping.

Regions affected by instability show marked detriments in population health. This is evidenced by increased rates of mental health disorders, inclusive of substance use disorders, and a surge in infectious disease and non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. Conflict-affected areas also contend with socio-economic challenges characterized by rising poverty and extensive societal unrest.

In this session, we focus on the nexus of health and peace. Panel experts will discuss evidence-based health strategies optimized for global health delivery and peacebuilding. The objective of our dialogue is to explore strategies for enhancing health outcomes for the world's most underserved populations, buttressing global security, and promoting inclusive economic and sustainable development for long-term peacebuilding and post-conflict reconciliation.

Whether an emerging nation-state space program, quasi-governmental space cooperation foundation, commercial space company with human flight or R&D missions, public health and agriculture/food/nutrition institution, or patient/provider-safety advocate, every organizational leader now can look to Space for opportunities and breakthroughs in science, commerce, and well-being. More populations of all ages, demographics, and genomes will have an opportunity to travel to Space - not just traditional governments sending finely tuned astronauts into Space - so broader populations on Earth can benefit from research data and spinoff technologies.

The constraints of space travel and resource limitations of potential colonization of The Moon and beyond prompt the urgency to explore and refine techniques for delivering care, nutritional support, remote diagnosis/treatment, and designing systems to identify syndromes related to aging, radiation exposure, cardiovascular, brain & mental health, and various chronic conditions, with accelerated results. Human adaptation to changing climate and environmental challenges can be previewed through the space lens - with longitudinal data studies based upon decades of collected research findings from legacy human space flight programs, combined with future space mission scopes.

Reducing, reusing, and recycling space waste - including recapture and treatment of toxins & infectious materials to prevent cross-contamination - is the future vision, rather than burdening the universe with more “space junk.” Scientific breakthroughs on Earth and in Space can create a virtuous cycle - and commercial opportunities - as populations across this planet benefit.

Please come explore the possibilities with us, in a roundtable format, bringing your best examples and thinking of how these principles might apply to your organization's goals in agriculture, food, nutrition, and health - and the institutions that contribute to these ends.

Suggested reading - supporting the premise: [documentary video for easy viewing]

In treating Cancer, we are in the midst of extraordinarily rapid changes. New approaches, and improved rates of success, are providing new opportunities for patients, providers, payors, corporations, public policy decision makers and investors.

In years past, conditions such as pancreatic cancer and many others were essentially untreatable beyond providing patient comfort. At this time, we are now witnessing a revolution in cancer care from therapeutic options. Many of these options are based upon application of new technologies and revving of the patient's own immune system to combat disease. This is a unique snapshot in time where we will continue to see rapid advances in care and robust researcher/corporate/investor opportunities.

Dr. Galed Hakim, Assistant Vice President of International Healthcare Partnerships and Insurance Development for Baptist Health International, will introduce the approach taken by Baptist Health in global health. Dr. Mark A. Davis, Chief Operating Officer at Baptist Health Miami Cancer Institute, will moderate presentations and discussions with Dr. Michael Chuong, Medical Director of Radiation Oncology at Baptist Health Miami Cancer Institute. You will also hear as well from Dr. Abou-Alfa Ghassan, C3 Summit Co-Chair, and Attending Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; regarding just recently published new therapies and future directions in cancer care.

So this panel is not just about WHY YOU need to care but, just as important, WHAT YOU need to know! We all are looking forward to sharing the hour with everyone.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the technology of our time. In the last decade, astounding progress has been made in applied AI in all sectors of the economy.

Most recently, the launch of ChatGPT has captured the imagination of everyone and the number of use cases have expanded rapidly. Healthcare promises to be a fertile ground for this technology. Given the exploding amounts of data used in healthcare, including genomics, remote monitoring, and sociobehavioral data, AI will not be a luxury. AI will be the foundational technology that will uncover key insights in all of this data and allow us to make rapid progress in finding new treatments and making sure those can be delivered at scale. The range of use cases include drug discovery, population health management, clinical workflow optimization, diagnostics, therapeutics, decision support, and more.

Although AI holds immense promise in healthcare, its adoption will happen in waves. Those waves will be based on the types of use cases that require urgent solutions, availability of the required data, payer reimbursement, workflow issues, and more. Public and private investors will need to carefully analyze these issues for the types of AI solutions they are considering. Billions of dollars have been invested in health AI companies that have not been able to gain traction. Ensuring that capital flows into the companies that are solving the types of issues that have ready-to-adopt use cases will be critical to create momentum. How can entrepreneurs and investors identify these use cases? What is the best way to accelerate success for the exciting new AI innovations that will improve the health of the world population? We will examine these issues in this session.

Cancer is a global public health problem. It is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for 10 million deaths in 2020. Among Arabs, cancer is growing at an alarming rate. The Gulf states and the Eastern Mediterranean region countries show a disturbing rise in the number of cancer patients, yet under half of these countries implement programs to control cancer. Additionally, few studies are in place in the region to inform cancer prevention and care.

Increased cancer rates are largely attributed to lifestyle risk factors including smoking, less physical activity, unhealthy foods, alcohol consumption, and the increased prevalence of obesity. 10-30% of cancers are due to genetic factors; cancer-promoting mutations, such as BRCA1, are becoming more common.

The main obstacles to tackling rising cancer rates in the Middle East are 1) lack of accurate and well-defined data 2) inadequate public health policies, 3) political instability 4) lack of public awareness and informed healthcare communities of the risks involving first cousin (consanguineous) marriages.

Opportunities for medical innovation, knowledge transfer and international cooperation are key to improving outcomes where access to quality healthcare remains a challenge. This panel will help delineate the major opportunities and constraints affecting cancer care in the Middle East. The panel will highlight the role of innovation in improving outcomes in the region.

Don't miss this historic keynote session by C3 Summit Board Advisor Dr. Deborah Birx, a former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator under Donald Trump, who told CNN that there was an effort to squash scientists suggesting the COVID-19 virus started in a lab in Wuhan, China.

"I think early on, people did take very definitive sides, and it did divide along party lines, and we're still suffering from that four years later," Dr. Birx told CNN's Kasie Hunt, who asked if there was any substance to the argument that the lab leak theory was suppressed. Dr. Birx said "I do think it happened. If you look at what people said about Bob Redfield and how they disparaged him as a scientist because he wanted to bring forward the lab leak potential," the former top medical official noted.

Redfield, a former director of the CDC, suggested early on that the COVID-19 pandemic, which was widely dismissed by the media and other prominent health officials.

This panel discussion will explore innovative trans-sectoral experiences that integrate well-being and new health paradigms to foster human flourishing and improve global health outcomes. Experts from diverse fields including general health, technology, and education examine how collaborative efforts can break down silos, creating holistic solutions that address physical, mental, and social health. The conversation will highlight successful case studies, emerging trends, and the potential for scalable impact. Attendees will gain insights into the importance of interdisciplinary cooperation and the transformative power of a unified approach to well-being and health.

This presentation will delve into the transformative potential of integrating holistic well-being development from early-stage education through to adulthood. By focusing on comprehensive approaches that address emotional, social, and physical health from a young age, we can foster resilience, adaptability, and overall life satisfaction. The session will present innovative educational models, evidence-based practices, and longitudinal studies demonstrating how early well-being education can lead to sustained positive outcomes. Attendees will gain insights into creating environments that nurture holistic development, ultimately contributing to long-term individual and societal well-being.

In this inspiring presentation, Takashi Sasaki, CEO of Relive Inc., and Dr.Amit Mathur, Head of North American Operations, delve into how the Relive Shirt—a revolutionary fusion of traditional Chinese medicine and modern wearable technology—enhances global health and well-being. Focusing on improved labour efficiency, enhanced elderly care, and effective chronic disease management, Sasaki and Mathur showcase the significant impacts of this innovation. They will outline Relive's commitment to expanding these health benefits globally and call for partnerships to drive these efforts forward. Discover how Relive is shaping the future of health technology and social equity through innovative solutions.

This panel will be led by mayors typically focused on leveraging technology and data to improve urban living conditions, sustainability, and efficiency. Possible "solution" proposals that the panel of mayors will discuss are aimed at creating cities that are more efficient, sustainable, and responsive to the needs of their residents. These solutions are ultimately intended to improve both the quality of life for their constituents and fostering economic development.

This session will explore some of the enabling technologies that will impact population health and wellness during the next 5 years, including: remote diagnostics and treatment; real-time 3D rendering of organs and metabolic processes; digital robotic surgeries; 3D printed prosthetics; clinical testing.

This panel will highlight, discuss and opine on some of the current and upcoming ethical questions around new technology treatments, especially genetic testing and engineering to eliminate genetically inherited diseases, but also the potential for human enhancement.

The King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSHRC) Genomic Center stands at the forefront of genomic medicine, driven by a rich history of genetic research. This center spearheads groundbreaking research, from genome sequencing to identifying genetic variants, significantly impacting the diagnosis and treatment of genetic disorders. By integrating precision medicine and pharmacogenomics into patient care, the center enhances treatment plans for conditions such as cancer and rare diseases through targeted therapies and personalized interventions. The KFSHRC Genomic Center's collaborative approach, including strategic partnerships and interdisciplinary teams, propels innovation in genomic science. Looking forward, the center is poised to revolutionize precision medicine further with emerging technologies and gene therapies.

As part of Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia is strategically positioning to emerge as a global biotechnology leader by 2040 as outlined in the National Biotechnology Strategy. The Kingdom is rapidly advancing biotechnology capabilities through a concerted national effort, with King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSHRC) being at the forefront of these ambitious endeavours.

Biotechnology, as a cornerstone of economic diversification, is a catalyst for sustainable development and the foundation of a knowledge based economy. By localizing the biotechnology sector, Saudi Arabia aims to bolster the healthcare system, create high-value jobs, and stimulate innovation. The Kingdom's investments in research, development and innovation, coupled with a motivated talent pool, are laying a solid foundation for a thriving biotechnology ecosystem. KFSHRC's enjoys a pivotal role in developing indigenous capabilities, fostering innovation, and contributing to a sustainable biotechnology sector.

Through strategic partnerships, talent development, and technology transfer, KFSHRC along with its partners, aim to translate discoveries into healthcare solutions, ultimately enhancing the Kingdom's self-sufficiency and global competitiveness in the life sciences and aiding Saudi Arabia's emergence in the global biotechnology landscape.

The healthcare sector is in dire need of a transformation that would lead to more sustainable patient-based solutions. Health care organizations are facing immediate challenges; including patients' safety, care that is not focused enough on patient and family needs, unequitable access to health services, workforce shortages and burnout and cost containment, with rising health care costs, driven by high operating expenses and inefficient use of resources. Future health spending is expected to rise even further as new techniques and therapies become available.

Innovation can address these challenges, lead to long-term transformation, and serve as an economic engine of growth. To spearhead this, Sheba Medical Center (Sheba), one of the largest hospitals in the middle east, recognized by Newsweek as one of the top hospitals in the world since 2019, launched ARC Innovation. ARC, which is short for Accelerate, Redesign, and Collaborate, encompasses a global ecosystem that aims to develop, pilot, and roll out game- changing solutions. ARC outlines a strategy that is based on four main principles: digital health as a priority, organic and open innovation, welcoming startups, industry, academia, and other untraditional partners to join innovation efforts, international collaboration and Infrastructure for innovation.

Liberty Science ARC HealthSpace 2030, part of the SciTech Scity, a collaboration between the city of Jersey City and Liberty Science Center, New Jersey's most visited cultural institution, aim to establish a state-of-the-art innovation and simulation lab for the future of healthcare. This hub will integrate advanced healthcare design, cutting-edge technologies, and human-centered approaches, serving as a soft-landing pad for global startups. We are reaching out key healthcare partners from northeastern tri-state area, including medical centers, academia, corporate partners and startups to join us to co-create and co-design the future medical centers, including the future operational room, intensive care unit, a clinic, inpatient room, home environment and a clinic in developing countries. The space will serve as a huge sandbox, to test new technologies for research and development, support acquisition decisions and allow early feedback for improvement. HealthSpace 2030 aspires to inspire and shape the design of future medical centers by setting new standards for innovation in healthcare delivery.

Join us to create the future of health together! Representatives from healthcare organizations, academia, payers, technology partners, corporate organizations, venture capital funds and startups are welcome to join us to learn more about this exciting initiative and explore potential collaboration.

Confessions From A War is a feature documentary in the tradition of The Sorrow and the Pity about the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990). It is not about what happened but about the emotional and psychological cost of war and the value of forgiveness and repentance. Finally, it is not just about this war; it is about all wars. A timely and topical look at the parallel of our world today.

Dr. Maliha Hashmi is a globally recognized leader at the forefront of healthcare, leadership, futurism, and deep tech innovation. Her unique expertise bridges business, technology, medicine, education & law making her one of the most influential figures in these fields. She is the CEO & Managing Partner of a Globally renowned personalized precision care deep tech ecosystem.

In 2024, Dr. Hashmi was named among the Global 200 Women Power Leaders. She was also honored with the Women Icon of the Year 2024 award for her exceptional contributions to the health industry as a Senior C-suite Executive. Recognized as one of the Top 5 Iconic Women Leaders in the Business World of 2023 and winner of the prestigious Forbes Health Leadership Award of 2022, Dr. Hashmi is a C-level Healthcare Executive, Public Speaker, WEF Global Future Council Expert, V2O Delegate of G20, & Author. She is also part of the World Leaders Award recipients.

She is also one of the Top 7 Most Talented Female Health Leaders of the MENA region. She is well-known as a dedicated esteemed leader who has committed to bringing positive change wellness & growth globally. Dr. Maliha Hashmi received her Doctorate and Master's Degrees from Harvard and MIT & is listed as one of the top 20 women in the USA for her achievements making it into the Who's Who in America List.

Senior C-suite Executive with a demonstrated history of working in health systems & globally renowned projects that have successfully transformed, automated, & optimized the safety, health, & wellness operations of multiple organizations. A keynote speaker & leading authority in the health, wellbeing, & biotech industry, she has delivered publications, research & presentations to provide introduce well-researched business insights, futuristic strategies, cutting-edge technologies & solutions that helped businesses globally to attain sustainable growth.

Dr. Björn Zoëga is an experienced international hospital Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and a prominent figure in the healthcare industry. Dr. Zoëga has a proven record of accomplishment of developing world-class hospitals. With his visionary approach and pragmatic leadership style, he has demonstrated the ability to transform healthcare organizations into powerful engines of medical innovation, patient care, and financial performance.

In his career, Dr. Zoëga has held the position of CEO at various hospitals around the world. Currently, he is the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Several awards and recognitions have been bestowed upon him for his outstanding leadership skills. In 2011, he received the CEO of the Year award in Iceland.

During his tenure at Karolinska University Hospital, Dr. Zoëga played a significant role in transforming the institution into a global leader in healthcare. Under his leadership, the hospital secured a place on the esteemed Newsweek World's Best Hospitals list from 2020 to 2023, ranking among the top six hospitals in the world. Additionally, Karolinska University Hospital was named one of the World's Smartest Hospital in 2021 and 2023, ranking ninth globally. In 2023, the hospital also received the Newsweek World's Best Specialized Hospitals award, (Best in the Nordics in 8 categories) further solidifying its position as a leader in its respective field.

Dr. Zoëga was born and raised in Reykjavik, Iceland. He completed his Doctor of Philosophy at Gothenburg University's Faculty of Medicine in 1998. Prior to that, he obtained a Bachelor's degree in Science from Reykjavik College in 1984. For his management education, Dr. Zoëga studied clinical hospital management in Gothenburg, Sweden from 1999 to 2002. Furthermore, he attended Harvard Business School in 2011, where he gained a broad knowledge of management and administration within the healthcare industry.

In 1991, Dr. Zoëga embarked on a journey of rotating internships in various medical specialties. These internships included Rejkjalundur Rehabilitation Center, Reykjavik Hospital's Emergency Department, and St. Josefs Hospital's Internal Medicine and General Surgery departments. After completing his internship, Dr. Zoëga began his career at Saghlgrenska University Hospital as an orthopedic surgeon. In this role, he gained valuable hands-on experience and expertise in the field. Today, Dr. Zoëga holds a full licensed to practice medicine in Iceland, Sweden, and Norway.

Throughout his career, he has delivered keynote addresses at major international conferences. He holds memberships in multiple medical associations and societies, including Icelandic Medical Associations, Swedish Medical Associations, Icelandic Orthopedic Societies, Swedish Orthopedic Society, Swedish Society of Spinal Surgeon, North American Spine Society and Gothenburg Medical Society. His extensive publication record demonstrates his dedication to advancing medical knowledge. He has published research in many journals and contributed to more than 50 scientific abstracts as well as public works and book chapters.

Dr. Zoëga's visionary pragmatism and focus on data has revolutionized healthcare. His innovative approach has led to groundbreaking advancements. As he continues to function as a hospital leader internationally, Dr. Zoëga's dedication, strategic thinking, and unwavering commitment to patient care have earned him the respect and admiration of his peers. His visionary leadership continues to inspire others in the healthcare community, and he will undoubtedly shape healthcare's future.

Our body has a natural capacity to heal and correct disorders, but this ability diminishes with aging and various diseases. Instead of focusing on restoring this healing capacity, most modern medications aim to address the symptoms or imbalances in the body.

Our research into medicinal cannabis has uncovered that CBD (cannabidiol) can offer effective treatment for a range of conditions, including cognitive decline, cancer, migraines, and seizures. We discovered that CBD acts almost like a "fountain of youth," helping to restore some of the lost plasticity that diminishes with age. This restoration enhances our ability to address diseases that were previously resistant to treatments targeting only their symptoms.

Tech-Driven Healthcare Evolution & Breakthroughs:
Addressing Future Global Challenges & Impact of Advanced Technologies

Subject to change.

September 16, 2024

7:30 - 8:50 am

Library, Second Floor

Registration & Continental Breakfast

8:00 - 8:45 am

Third Floor Mezzanine

Roundtable #1:

Sheba Sheba Scitech Scity

Designing the Future Medical Center (By Invitation Only)


  • Ms. Orli Biger, CEO, ARC US ARC Innovation at Sheba Medical Center


  • Hannah Katz, B.A., M.A., Senior Innovation Program Manager, SciTech Scity, USA

Roundtable #2:

Ho-Me-I-Ku Maiko Horisawa - Music & Peace

Early-Stage Education to Long-Term Impact: The New Frontier of Holistic Well-Being Development (By Invitation Only)


  • Mr. Kunio Hara, President, Ho-Me-I-Ku Education (Praise & Raise), Japan
  • Ms. Maiko Horisawa, Recording Artist, Founder & CEO, "Amato Musica" Voice & Self-empowerment Institute, Japan

Roundtable #3:

Confessions from a War

Confessions From A War (By Invitation Only)


Roundtable #4:

Augusta University

On Cannabidiol (CBD): Re-Searching fountain of Youth (By Invitation Only)


  • Dr. Babak Baban, Professor of Immunology and Associate Dean for Research, DCG of Augusta University USA
C3 Memorial Sloan Kettering
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre
8:50 - 9:00 am

Lincoln Hall, Second Floor

Welcoming Remarks & Award Presentation


  • Mr. Ransel Potter, Founder & Managing Partner, C3 Summit International, Ltd, USA
  • Dr. Ghassan Abou-Alfa, MD, Att., C3 Summit Co-Chair, Memorial Sloan Kettering, Professor at Weill Cornell, USA
  • Dr. Björn Zoëga, MD PhD
    Deputy Chief Executive Officer,
    King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre,

    Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

2024 C3 Global Innovative Healthcare & Impact Transformation Award

This award recognizes a global leader focused on creating and implementing cutting-edge solutions that improve patient outcomes, enhance accessibility, and reduce costs. With a strong emphasis on sustainability and social responsibility, the outcomes lead to initiatives that address global health challenges, bridging the gap between technology, policy, and practice. Importantly, it involves collaborating with diverse stakeholders, including governments, NGOs, and the private sector, to impact innovation and create meaningful, scalable change in healthcare delivery.

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre
9:00 - 9:10 am

Lincoln Hall, Second Floor

Opening Keynote: "The Potential for Technology-Driven Healthcare and Wellness"


  • Dr. Feras Khaliel, Head of Cardiac Surgery, Director of Robotics and MIS Program, and Director of MCS and Heart Transplant Program at KFSHRC, KSA
Dana Farber Institute
9:10 - 10:00 am

Lincoln Hall, Second Floor

Opening Plenary:

Early Detection and Interception of Cancer

Keynote Speaker:

  • Dr. Betsy O'Donnell, Director, Multi-Cancer Early Detection Clinic, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, USA
White House Cleveland Clinic Flagship Pioneering Harbinger Health
10:05 - 10:45 am

Lincoln Hall, Second Floor

Morning Keynote Session:

The Truth Behind The Effort To Squash 'Covid Lab Leak Theory'

Keynote Speaker:

  • Ambassador Dr. Deborah L. Birx, White House, Coronavirus Task Force (Ret.), 2020-2021; C3 Board Advisor, USA


  • Dr. Maan Fares, Chairman, Global Patient Services, Cleveland Clinic; C3 Board Advisor, USA


  • Dr. Stephen Hahn, CEO-Partner, Flagship Pioneering; Chief Executive Officer, Harbinger Health USA
Sheba Sheba Cure Future of Health Federation of American Hospitals Atlantic Health System
10:50 - 11:50 am

Lincoln Hall, Second Floor

SHEBA Keynote Panel:

The Future of Health: From Vision to Global Transformation

Keynote Speaker:

Keynote Moderator:

  • Ms. Seema Kumar, Chief Executive Officer, Cure, USA

Keynote Speakers:

  • Mr. Charles ('Chip') N. Kahn, III, President and CEO of the Federation of American Hospitals and Co-Founder/Director of the Board of FOH, USA
  • Dr. Suja Mathew, MD, Executive Vice President, Chief Clinical Officer, Atlantic Health System, USA
12:00 - 12:10 pm

Main Dining Hall, Third Floor


Welcome Remarks

  • Mr. Kevin Baird, Co-Chair, Center for Excellence | Health Care, Prometric, USA

Luncheon Benediction (In Memory of Nan Potter, Co Founder, C3 Summit International)

  • Rev. Timothy J. Mercaldo, Founder & Executive Director, WorshipPlus.Org, USA
C3 Vision 2030
12:10 - 1:10 pm

Main Dining Hall, Third Floor

Luncheon and Networking

2024 C3 Innovative Health Transformation

  • Dr. Maliha Hashmi,
    Prominent Health Leader,
    One of Top Seven Female Health Leaders,
    MENA Region,
    Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia

This award acknowledges exceptional contributions to advancing healthcare through diplomatic efforts, bridging healthcare collaboraion across borders, and promoting integrative health solutions globally.

KKR Bloomberg Television Cure C3
1:10 - 1:20 pm

Lincoln Hall, Second Floor

Keynote Remarks:

Geopolitics, Conflict, and Healthcare


  • General David H. Petraeus, US Army (Ret.), Partner, KKR & Chairman, KKR Global Institute, USA; Author, Conflict

Host Introduction:

  • Ms. Seema Kumar, Chief Executive Officer, Cure, USA
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre
1:20 - 2:00 pm

Lincoln Hall, Second Floor

Afternoon Keynote
Topic 1: A Rising Biotechnology Powerhouse

  • Dr. Edward J. Cupler, Chair, C3 Scientific Committee, Executive Director of Research and Innovation, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, KSA

Afternoon Keynote
Topic 2: Precision Medicine in Practice: Implementing Genomics in Patient Care

  • Dr. Salah Baz, Executive Director, Centre for Genomic Medicine, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, KSA
Ho-Me-I-Ku Kelly Club Japon Relive Healthware
2:10 - 2:50 pm

Lincoln Hall, Second Floor

We Praise the World: Well-Being & New Health: Advancing Trans-Sectoral Approaches for Enhanced Human Flourishing and Global Health


  • Mr. Kunio Hara, President, Ho-Me-I-Ku Education (Praise & Raise), Japan

Empowering Women, Nurturing Resilience, and Advancing Healthcare: My Journey of Transformation


  • Ms. Emichika, Representative Director, General Incorporated Association "KELLY CLUB JAPON", Principality of Monaco, Japan

Empowering Global Health: The Role of Relive Clothing Technology in Transforming Well-Being


  • Mr. Takashi Sasaki, CEO and Founder, Relive Inc., Canada/USA

MANMARU-SUN: Intergenerational Cultural Exchange for Enhancing Peace and Happiness Speaker:

  • Ms. Ruriko Sakuraba, Japanese Cultural Ambassador; CEO Ruriko Co., Ltd., Japan

Parapsychology & Therapeutic Spiritualism: Mindfulness and Subconscious Reprogramming for Holistic Well-being


  • Ms. Miho Sakurai, Parapsychologist; Founder, Spiritual Coordinator Association, Japan
Zoi Capital Cleveland Clinic MD Anderson Cancer Center Penn Medicine National Cancer Institute Lamassu Pharma
2:55 - 3:30 pm

Lincoln Hall, Second Floor

AI-Enabled Health & Wellness


  • Dr. Ronald M. Razmi, Managing Director, Managing Director, Zoi Capital, USA


  • Dr. Maan Fares, Chairman, Global Patient Services, The Cleveland Clinic; C3 Board Advisor, USA
  • Dr. Caroline Chung, MD, MSc., FRCPC, CIP, Department of Radiation Oncology, Division of Radiation Oncology; Chief Data Officer, MD Anderson, USA
  • Dr. Michael Salgaller, PhD. Supervisory Specialist, Technology Analysis and Marketing Unit (TAMU), Technology Transfer Center, National Cancer Institute, USA
  • Dr. Gabi Hanna, MD, CEO & Co-Founder, Lamassu Pharma, LLC; Executive Director, Duke Preclinical Translational Research Center; Associate Director, Duke Cancer Institute, Surgical Facility; VP, American Remote Health, USA
Samoedra ASRI
3:35 - 4:15 pm

Lincoln Hall, Second Floor

Revolutionizing Maternal Wellness: Integrative Strategies for Postpartum and Hormonal Care for a Healthier Tomorrow


  • Ms. Ivanna Salehudin, Founder & CEO, Samoedra Pty Ltd, Australia


  • Ms. Sofia Erica Lane, Founder & Chief Creative Director, Samoedra Pty Ltd, Australia
  • Dr. Clotilde Monguya, MD Obstetrics; Gynaecology MPH, Global Health Emerging Markets Consultant, African Scientific Institute Fellow, USA
Alva 10 Duke Health Fuqua School of Business Linus Bio 5p LLC Alberta Health Services
4:20 - 5:10 pm

Lincoln Hall, Second Floor

The Future of Personalized Healthcare and VBC - 2030 and Beyond


  • Mrs. Hannah Mamuszka, CEO of Alva 10 and Managing partner of 10Edison Capital, USA


  • Dr. Elder Granger, MD, MG, TRICARE (ret.) Management Activity; Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, USA
  • Dr. Blake Long, MD, MBA- CMO Alva 10, Adjunct professor- Duke Fuqua School of Business, USA
  • Dr. Mashael Alhegelan, MD, MBA VP of clinical effectiveness at Alva 10, Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy & Critical Care Medicine, Duke Health, USA
  • Dr. Manish Arora, BDS, MPH, PhD. founder and CEO of Linus Biotechnology, USA
  • Dr. Alda Aleksi, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Medical Oncologist, Medical Oncology Department, NET Tumors, H&N Malignancies, Theragnostic and Cardio-Oncology, Tom Baker Cancer Centre, Canada
C3 Ho-Me-I-Ku
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre
5:15 - 5:30 pm

Lincoln Hall, Second Floor

Closing Remarks


  • Mr. Ransel Potter, Founder & Managing Partner, C3 Summit International, Ltd, USA
  • Dr. Edward J. Cupler, Chair, C3 Scientific Committee, Executive Director of Research and Innovation, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, KSA
  • Mr. Kunio Hara, Founder, Ho-Me-I-Ku Education (Praise & Rise), Japan
5:40 - 7:00 pm


Closing Reception Hosted by:



14th Annual 2025 C3 Summits

C3 Global Group Logo


Monday, April 28, Riyadh

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre


Monday, September 8, New York


Monday, November 3, Chengdu

Looking Forward to Another 14 Years of:
Community, Collaboration and Commerce

For Speaking and/or Sponsorship Details contact:
Ransel N. Potter: cell +1 917 742 9941 /